Posted by Nicky Drayden on Nov 6, 2012 in
My Fiction
It’s here! It’s a handsome doorstop. It’s a formidable weapon to carry in dark alleyways. It’s the last piece of gym equipment you’ll ever need to buy…
It’s the Daily Science Fiction Year One Anthology!
It’s 871 pages of fiction — that’s 260 stories, including three of mine, and it’s available here.
Daily Science Fiction is a great pro market for emerging and established authors alike, and they deserve our support. And you deserve to read copious amounts of awesome fiction. So pick up your copy today! Your biceps will thank you.
Posted by Nicky Drayden on May 31, 2011 in
My Fiction,
Writer's Life

I just got a heads up (thanks, Sam!) of a great review at Diabolical Plots of my story “Wrath of the Porcelain Gods” which the reviewer says is “the best story I’ve ever read.” Okay, so there was a little bit of a qualifier that came before it, but still it’s a mighty compliment, and the story went on to get a Recommended rating. It made me all warm inside to read that. It’s nice to know that my writing is being read by actual real live people and having some sort of an effect. That’s why I drive myself nuts, sitting in front of the computer writing for hours on end, while normal people are out doing what ever normal people do with their free time. I want to be an entertainer, to connect with my readers and to (hopefully) make them laugh.
And speaking of readers, I finally got around to publishing my two short story collections on this weekend, and I’ve already made a couple sales. Delightfully Twisted Tales: Fire, Fangs, and Brimstone is now ranked 55,410! Yes, that’s a really big number, but it’s a number! No sales for Delightfully Twisted Tales: Close Encounters of the Worst Kind yet, but hopefully some will come soon, and I’ll be rolling in money. Well, quarters at least.
Can I get a cookie yet?
Posted by Nicky Drayden on May 28, 2011 in
Writer's Life

I am pleased to announce that the story I wrote at Viable Paradise has found a home. “Of In-laws and Close Encounters” will be appearing in Issue 5 of Untied Shoelaces of the Mind! After several days of struggling with a “serious story” that was clearly not going to work, this whimsical tale popped into my head the morning the assignment was due. I wrote in a fury to finish it and was quite pleased with the result. This marks my 30th sale, which kind of sounds like a lot. It’s nice to know that 30 people think that my writing is worth paying for, and hopefully there are many more out there that feel the same!
And in other news, I will be reading slush for a well-respected semi-pro SFF magazine, and I’m really looking forward to shoveling through my first batch of slush. We’ll see how excited I am when I’m drowning in it a month or two from now, but I’ve heard that it’s good to work in the trenches to get some perspective on one’s own writing. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.
Not much news to report on the writing front, but that will change soon. This weekend I’m dedicating to submitting all of my stories to market, and getting my short collections up on Amazon. I’ve even got in my mind to send out a couple snail mail submissions, though we’ll see if that actually happens.