Not Just Rockets and Robots

Posted by Nicky Drayden on Nov 6, 2012 in Announcements, My Fiction

It’s here! It’s a handsome doorstop. It’s a formidable weapon to carry in dark alleyways. It’s the last piece of gym equipment you’ll ever need to buy…

It’s the Daily Science Fiction Year One Anthology!

It’s 871 pages of fiction — that’s 260 stories, including three of mine, and it’s available here.

Daily Science Fiction is a great pro market for emerging and established authors alike, and they deserve our support. And you deserve to read copious amounts of awesome  fiction. So pick up your copy today! Your biceps will thank you.


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Shapeshifters Galore!

Posted by Nicky Drayden on Mar 22, 2012 in My Fiction

Two new stories up, and they’re related even!

“Winning Streak” is up at Drabblecast and “The Aubergine Wok” is up at Comets and Criminals. Go team shapeshifter! An interesting or not so interesting aside, The Aubergine Wok’s title came about when I decided to use Google voice search to look up René Auberjonois on my phone. Needless to say, I got some quite imaginative search results, including “Aubergine Wok.” So I had a title and no story, and it seemed like a natural fit to bring my old shapeshifter friend into the mix. Hopefully we will be seeing more of Traleel’s adventures soon!

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In which my story is the best someone has ever read, plus Amazon sales

Posted by Nicky Drayden on May 31, 2011 in Announcements, My Fiction, Reviews, Writer's Life

I just got a heads up (thanks, Sam!) of a great review at Diabolical Plots of my story “Wrath of the Porcelain Gods” which the reviewer says is “the best story I’ve ever read.” Okay, so there was a little bit of a qualifier that came before it, but still it’s a mighty compliment, and the story went on to get a Recommended rating. It made me all warm inside to read that. It’s nice to know that my writing is being read by actual real live people and having some sort of an effect. That’s why I drive myself nuts, sitting in front of the computer writing for hours on end, while normal people are out doing what ever normal people do with their free time. I want to be an entertainer, to connect with my readers and to (hopefully) make them laugh.

And speaking of readers, I finally got around to publishing my two short story collections on this weekend, and I’ve already made a couple sales. Delightfully Twisted Tales: Fire, Fangs, and Brimstone is now ranked 55,410! Yes, that’s a really big number, but it’s a number! No sales for Delightfully Twisted Tales: Close Encounters of the Worst Kind yet, but hopefully some will come soon, and I’ll be rolling in money. Well, quarters at least.

Can I get a cookie yet?

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