The Year of Semi-Insane, Moderately Ridiculous, and Somewhat Nonsensical Challenges

Posted by Nicky Drayden on Dec 27, 2012 in Writer's Life |

Photo by woodleywonderworks, Creative Commons

There comes a time in every young writer’s life when she must bear down and spew forth copious amounts of figurative fruit from her literary loins. She must hurdle the boundaries of sanity, embrace the ridiculous, and flirt with the nonsensical–all for the sake of her craft. She must rip rawness and truth from the rich, black earth and devour it hand over fist until her bowels are filled to the brim with Art!

Unfortunately (or fortunately), now is not that time for me. Life has got me in a serious time crunch, so I’ve had to scale down my challenges for the upcoming year quite a bit. They’re manageable, but I still hope that they’ll be enough to keep life interesting. Anyway, without further ado, my challenges for the year 2013!

1. Finish the two partial novels I have in progress

2. Write one short story per month

3. Eat a vegetable I have grown with my own hands

4. Learn to play a decent raga on my sitar

5. Ride my bike 1000 miles (stationary bike counts)

6. Learn to speak Japanese

7. Finish reading a novel (for fun)

8. Attend two Cons

9. Try to grow my hair out

10. Strive to live a minimalist lifestyle

Uhg, yes. No Nanowrimo and no trying to write a bazillion short stories in a month. And finishing reading one measly novel will be cause for celebration. I feel like I’m on the slippery slope to sanity as I write this. I really hope this doesn’t mean I’m turning into a Normal.


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